MXNET in windows?

The front page says Releases has a pre-built package for windows but all I see there are src packages. Is there still a pre-built package for Windows?

If not, are there proven instructions for building on Windows with VS2022? I have gotten CMAKE to run without errors but building with VS errors out with
an inability to find mxnet-cpp/op.h

Using msbuild I get a long list of link errors:
msbuild -property:USE_CPP_PACKAGE=1 /m:1 ALL_BUILD.vcxproj

I’ve been workign on this for the better part of a week with no success :frowning:

I used to have an older version of mxnet (1.4.1 I think) running on my windows. I tried for ages to try and get a newer prebuilt version of mxnet on windows but can’t find anything.

I also tried to compile it but I can’t get it to run properly after I compile it so I have given up trying.

What I have found is there are images that can be launched using docker desktop.
So I now have mxnet 1.9.1 running in a docker image that has access to the gpu in windows and drive maps to my windows drives.
I can also launch jupyter notebook on the docker image and access from windows via a http port.

Running NVIDIA Optimized Deep Learning Framework, powered by Apache MXNet

docker run -p 8000:8000 --name my_linux --gpus all -it --rm -v C:\Users\Datasets:/workspace/data -v C:\Users\GitHub:/workspace/github

Docker desktop gpu support

Launch jupyter notebook on port 8000
jupyter lab --ip='' --port=8000 --no-browser --allow-root