Wrong params file is not reported as error in C API


I would like to report a possible problem in C API.

I played with C API with a toy model (just adding two numbers) like:

net = mx.gluon.nn.Dense(1, in_units=2)
x = mx.sym.var('data')
y = net(x)

mod = mx.mod.Module(symbol=y, context=mx.cpu(), data_names = ['data'], label_names=[])
mod.bind(data_shapes=[("data", (1,2))], for_training=False)
mod.save_checkpoint('mx_add', 0)

Then using code for prediction like:

PredictorHandle pred_handler = NULL;

const char* input_keys[] = { "data" };
const mx_uint input_shape_indptr[] = { 0, 2 };
const mx_uint input_shape_data[] = { 1, 2 };

const mx_float input[] = {3, 5};
mx_float output[1];

int result;

// In symbol/params_map we have appropriate files mapped into memory
result = MXPredCreate(symbol_map->mem,
                1, /* dev_type: cpu */
                0, /* dev_id */
                1, /* num_input_nodes */
printf("%d, '%s'\n", result, MXGetLastError());
result = MXPredSetInput(pred_handler, input_keys[0], input, 2);
printf("%d, '%s'\n", result, MXGetLastError());

result = MXPredForward(pred_handler);
printf("%d, '%s'\n", result, MXGetLastError());

result = MXPredGetOutput(pred_handler, 0, output, 1);
printf("%d, '%s'\n", result, MXGetLastError());

printf("sum: %f\n", output[0]);

result = MXPredFree(pred_handler);
printf("%d, '%s'\n", result, MXGetLastError());

I was able to obtain, as expected, sum to be 8:

0, ''
0, ''
0, ''
0, ''
sum: 8.000000
0, ''

BUT: when I put into params file something wrong, like weight names with not matching names,
then the prediction doesn’t report any error, and results with unspecified output:

0, ''
0, ''
0, ''
0, ''
sum: 18980598159864999268117905408.000000
0, ''

Shouldn’t predictor creation fail with some error about loading the params file?


Thanks for reporting this, would you mind reporting it as an issue on the github repo? Thanks!
