Why no C++ love

I agree @jshanab.

Pytorch for example provides nightly binary packages:

and there are also binaries available for TensorFlow 2.0 for different platforms:

It should also be officially stated somewhere that statically linking to MXNet today is practicably impossible:

“I am reaching a conclusion that the “libmxnet.a” artifact that is available today is not a complete static library that client can use.” – Amol Lele

However, I managed to build MXNet-mkl and MXNET-cu10 from source for Linux with relative ease and found the process easier than building TensorFlow from source for example. I haven’t tested all available options such as the Tensorrt binding though.
I’ll also try to build it on Windows soon and can provide you at least the .dll-file for cpu, if I manage to do it. The CUDA version might be inconsistent for gpu usage on your system.

I think the MXNet developers should focus more in improving the support of the main scripting/programming interfaces used by the community which are arguably Python and C++ rather than aiming to support almost any scripting language.

Best regards,

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