What is the status of Gluon API for Scala/Clojure/JVM Autograd API?

On this roadmap document:


I found the following suggestion:

Autograd is an interesting area. Currently there are no good JVM autograd options. To get this to work would be exciting for many users.

Now this has changed a lot, we now have:

The suggestion should be re-evaluated and requirements for prototype should be defined. Is any one working on this? Who should I ask for mandate if I’m interested in contributing?

Kotlin𝛁 author here, thanks to @tribbloid for the intro! You can learn more about our approach to AD and some of the features we support on our GitHub page and workshop paper. If anyone working on MXNet/Gluon is heading to NeurIPS, I’ll be in Vancouver Dec. 8th-14th and would be happy to chat in person. Otherwise email or GitHub works best.