Preface :)

Hi all,
This seems to be a great start point for learning.

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Hello from Michigan, US. I’m a little late to the party, but I finally made it! Can we call this fashionable late? Anyway, figured that this COVID mess might be a good time to go from start to finish with a complete ML experience.

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I find this book very appealing and clever by combining theory, math, code, and web-based resources.
I’m very excited about starting my guided machine learning journey with this text. I’m looking for it with promising interest and high expectations.

Thank you the authors for the brilliant works!

Delighted to get going!

Looking forward to diving into this course !

Just checking in I am starting to read this book. Thanks for taking the time to write it, I had the same issue finding a good resource when I started looking around the internet for a ML resource.

Hi everyone,

I am glad to be here! Dive into deep learning!

Hello all, this is a good website to learn DL