Custom loss function from a pre-trained network

Hi, if you are using gluon this is trivial. gluon.loss.Loss is derived from HybridBlock so it is exactly as if you are defining a custom layer (see also this):

from mxnet.gluon.model_zoo import vision
from mxnet import gluon 
from mxnet.gluon.loss import Loss

class CustomLoss(Loss):
    def __init__(self,  **kwards):
        Loss.__init__(self, **kwards)

        with self.name_scope():
             # Here you define/load your pretrained network
             #self.pretrained_net = (...) # Here you define/load your pretrained network
             # This is just an example from model zoo: 
             # initialize the network with fixed layers (non trainable). 
             self.pretrained_net = vision.resnet18_v1(pretrained=True) # Assuming you want the whole network

    def hybrid_forward(self,F, _predictions, _labels):
        return self.pretrained_net(_predictions)  # assuming it can be fed the dimensionality of "predictions"
       # I don't know how you can combine predictions and labels from a pre-trained network 

then you use it with:

myLoss = CustomLoss() # you may want to add specific params in your constructor
preds,labels = ... 
loss = myLoss(preds,labels) # it can be ascalar/vector/matrix, so you post process it the way you want.

I am using this formalism to derive my custom Jaccard index loss etc. Hope this helps.

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