Compiling mxnet for C++ from source on Windows

Understandable, it took me some time as well to compile MXNet in Windows, but it was much easier in Linux. I suggested a while back that MXNet should provide official nightly and release builds of the MXNet C++ library, like other DL frameworks: Why no C++ love

Your error seems like you’re running out of disk space.
If you run out of RAM during compilation, then you can try to reduce the number of build threads.

If you are fine with using docker, then you can try out the official NVIDIA MXNet docker image.
The shared library within the docker container supports the C++ API as well as tensorRT.

The libmxnet.dll with C++ support (MXNet 1.4.1, CUDA 10.1, cuDNN v7.5.1.10, openBlas, no OpenCV) is also included in the latest CrazyAra release 0.6.0.

In the following you can find additional build instructions for Windows:

Best regards,

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