Clip operation on csr returns row sparse

The Sparse NDArray documentation claims " clip(csr, a_min <= 0, a_max >= 0) = csr", but this returns a RowSparse NDArray.


a = nd.ones((2, 3)) * 2
array([[ 2., 2., 2.],
[ 2., 2., 2.]], dtype=float32)
b = a.tostype(‘csr’)

<CSRNDArray 2x3 @cpu(0)>

array([[ 2., 2., 2.],
[ 2., 2., 2.]], dtype=float32)
nd.sparse.clip(b, 0, 1)

<RowSparseNDArray 2x3 @cpu(0)>


Do you have a pointer to the documentation you’re using? I’m looking at which says that clip for CSRNDArray is a convenience method for Sparse.clip but doesn’t mention the return type.

You’re correct, unfortunately clip isn’t preserving the CSRNDArray. Feel free to create an issue if you’d like to see this functionality or if you’d like to contribute.

I’m looking at the same documentation at
Just under the example, it says:

The storage type of clip output depends on storage types of inputs and the a_min, a_max parameter values:

  • clip(default) = default
  • clip(row_sparse, a_min <= 0, a_max >= 0) = row_sparse
  • clip(csr, a_min <= 0, a_max >= 0) = csr
  • clip(row_sparse, a_min < 0, a_max < 0) = default
  • clip(row_sparse, a_min > 0, a_max > 0) = default
  • clip(csr, a_min < 0, a_max < 0) = csr
  • clip(csr, a_min > 0, a_max > 0) = csr

I feel the documentation is generally more in line with the spirit of the data type (not sure about the row_sparse -> default case). I can’t think of a reason why clip should change the data type. In that sense it looks like a bug. I’ll create an issue for this.

Issue created here:

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I agree. Thank you for creating the issue.