Apache MXNet digest: July 2018

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Here’s a digest of the tutorials, blogs, videos and announcements about MXNet during July 2018.

94% accuracy on CIFAR-10 in 10 minutes with Amazon SageMaker
Distributed training and the newest algorithmic developments result in impressive training times for computer vision.

Leveling up on Sagemaker
The Sagemaker series continues with a deep dive on advanced topics related to MXNet on Sagemaker.

ONNX Model Zoo: Developing a face recognition application with ONNX models
A worked example of using a model in the ONNX interchange format from the Model Zoo to do face recognition.

Scalable multi-node deep learning training using GPUs in the AWS Cloud
Take AWS infrastructure to the max for distributed training.

GluonNLP — Deep Learning Toolkit for Natural Language Processing
A toolkit of word embeddings, state-of-the-art implementations of models from the latest research papers, and utility functions for the common datasets.

Logistic regression using Gluon API explained
A step-by-step tutorial on implementing logistic regression using Gluon.

Let Sentiment Classification Model speak for itself using Grad CAM
Visualizing the inner workings of a movie review sentiment classification model.

A Way to Benchmark Your Deep Learning Framework On-premise
SK Telecom discusses how they systematically evaluated several deep learning frameworks, and why they chose MXNet.

Thanks Simon for these digests, they are great!